An Update from the Institute for an Entrepreneurial Society (IES)

The Institute for an Entrepreneurial Society (IES) produces academic research on the entrepreneurial society and provides broader impacts through policy analysis and public outreach.
In 2021, IES fellow John Murphy joined the Whitman School as a visiting Ph.D. student to study under Associate Director Roger Koppl. In keeping with the IES tradition of studying relevant problems whose solutions can contribute to social well-being, Murphy is investigating the effectiveness of the U.S. Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, colloquially known as food stamps, and potential ways to modify and improve its effectiveness. While food insecurity affects 15.7% of households, use of the program remains low.
Overall, in 2021-22, IES faculty continued to publish scholarly and popular writings on important problems such as vaccine distribution, homelessness and wildfire management. Academic publications by IES faculty appeared in leading journals, including David Lucas’ articles in the Academy of Management Journal and Research Policy, Zach Rodriguez’s article in World Development, and Maria Minniti’s article in Organizational Research Methods. Popular writings included Roger Koppl’s op-ed in The Wall Street Journal on May 2 and his opinion piece in The Hill on July 9.
IES Ph.D. students were also active, with teaching, writing and multiple presentations at the conferences in the field, such as the Academy of Management Meeting and the Industry Study Association. Devin Stein presented his study on the management of wildfires in California at the 2022 Great Lakes Entrepreneurship Network meeting. Stein was awarded a 2022 Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award from Syracuse University and the Dr. Torpey Teaching Award from the Whitman School. Kurian George is getting ready to graduate and will join the Department of Management at the School of Economics and Management of Tilburg University in the Netherlands as a tenure-track assistant professor. IES alumni Fabian Diaz and Almantas Palubinskas have been named assistant professors at the University of Louisville and the emLyon business school in France, respectively. Fabian Diaz andMaria Minniti presented their joint paper on the implications of licensing requirements on informal entrepreneurship at the 2022 Babson Entrepreneurship Conference in Texas.
IES cosponsored the 2022 Entrepreneurship Scholar in Residence in June at Oxford University. Participants included 35 faculty from Oxford University, University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, London School of Economics, Northwestern, University of Toronto, Columbia Business School and Humboldt University. During the workshop, Devin Stein presented another of his papers, on how entrepreneurial communities, cooperating with governments at the state and federal levels, can best address the prevention of wildfires.
Through its various activities, IES contributes to the creation of an entrepreneurial society in which entrepreneurial innovation is supported by institutions that unleash human creativity and productivity. For more information about IES and its team, visit