In Memoriam

James N. Vedder
Beloved father, grandfather, great grandfather and friend James Vedder died at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Syracuse, New York. on Oct. 25, 2023, at the age of 88. He was born in Buffalo, New York, and obtained a undergraduate degree at University at Buffalo. After Vedder obtained a Ph.D. degree at the University of Michigan, he worked as a professor at Whitman (1964-1998), where he helped start the Executive MBA program and retired as professor emeritus.
In addition to his academic and teaching accomplishments, he was a true “Renaissance Man”, with a passion for travel, photography, art, music, composition and running, eventually running six marathons in mid-life. Vedder also donated much time, energy, resources and talents to numerous projects and organizations, including the Rescue Mission, the John Dau Foundation, FISH (Friends in Service Here), the Civic Center, Meals on Wheels, the Exploring Your World preschool program and USAID.
Karl E. Vogt G ’57, ’61 Ph.D.
Karl Vogt passed away on November 15, 2023. He was born on Jan. 4, 1930, in Boston. Growing up along the picturesque Atlantic coast, Vogt developed a lifelong love for sailing, an enduring fascination with trains and a deeply rooted passion for the Boston Red Sox.
He received his undergraduate degree from the College of The Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts. After two years of service in the U.S. Army during the Korean War, he pursued his master’s degree and Ph.D. at Syracuse University. Upon completion of his Ph.D., Karl became the assistant dean of the College of Business at Syracuse University.
During that time, and in conjunction with the University, he led a team of academics on a USAID project in Medellin, Colombia, from 1964 through 1966 to create a college of business there (now known as Universidad EAFIT), which has become a thriving university with 12,000 students in various graduate and undergraduate programs. Upon his return to the U.S., he accepted the position of assistant for planning for President Bill Jerome at Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. He was promoted to dean of the College of Business and served for 14 years. During that time Karl played an instrumental role as a member of a select group responsible for evaluating business schools, applying a stringent review process for The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business accreditation. His final position at the university was that of vice president of operations.
Allan Young
Allan Young, former professor of finance in the Whitman School of Management passed away in December 2023. He joined the Whitman faulty in 1966 after receiving his Ph.D. from Columbia University. During his distinguished career, Young authored or co-wrote nine books and monographs and more than 100 articles and chapters in leading academic publications on issues of privatization, capital and financial infrastructure development, emerging and developing security and other capital markets. He gave more than 135 lectures outside the university classroom setting to business and professional groups on each of the world’s continents. He was an editor-in-chief of Financial Review, the Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance and the Journal of Entrepreneurial Finance and Business Ventures.
He was recipient of two Fulbright Research Grants and acted as consultant with the United Nations, a number of regional development banks, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the former Securities Industries Association and the governments of a number of countries currently undergoing a transition from a command or planned economy to a market basis. In 1994 he was named a faculty scholar of the year at Whitman. He retired in 2008.