Whitman Research News (March-June 2024)

Awards and Honors


2024 Whitman Research Awards:

Karca Aral, associate professor of supply chain management, received the Whitman Research Fellow award.

Rong Li, associate professor of supply chain management, received the Whitman Research Fellow award.

Craig Nichols, associate professor of accounting, received the Dean’s Citation for Research award.

Sebastian Tideman-Frappart, assistant professor of accounting, received the Guttag Junior Faculty Research award.


Faculty Promotions and Tenure:

Karca Aral was promoted to associate professor of supply chain management with tenure.

Joel Carnevale was promoted to associate professor of management with tenure.

David Park was promoted to associate professor of entrepreneurship with tenure.

Jaime Perry was promoted to associate professor of management with tenure.

Milena Petrova was promoted to full professor of real estate and finance.


The management department is ranked 49 in research based on faculty productivity across both public and private universities, according to TAMUGA Rankings from April 2024.


Natarajan Balasubramanian, professor of management, has his research recognized for its influence on the Federal Trade Commission decision to ban worker noncompete clauses, particularly in a communication from Hannah Garden-Monheitt, director of the Office of Policy Planning at the Federal Trade Commission.


Rong Li, associate professor of supply chain management, has been elected to chair MSOM Society’s iFORM SIG for a two-year term starting September 2024. iFORM is the special interest group (SIG) that focuses on the interface between finance, operations, and risk management.


David Lucas, assistant professor of entrepreneurship, was interviewed for the Academy of Management Journal’s official podcast, “The Lit Review: An AMJ Podcast” about his 2022 AMJ article with Matthew Grimes and Joel Gehman. 


Cameron Miller, associate professor of management, has been appointed associate editor at Strategic Management Journal for a term of 3.5 years starting June 2024.


Yu Shan, assistant professor of finance, testified on March 7, 2024 in front of the New York State Assembly’s committees on banking and science and technology about the impact of financial technology (fintech) services and their roles in the state banking system. Read news story>


Johan Wiklund, Al Berg Chair and professor of entrepreneurship, placed among the top 500 scholars in the Business and Management category (ranked #172 in the world and #92 in the U.S.), according to a Research.com study of how influential scholars are within different fields based on their H-factor.




Journal Publications


Michel Benaroch, professor of management information systems, has a paper, “Cyber Failures and IT Capability Reputation: Examining Ex Ante and Ex Post Interplay Effects,” accepted at the Journal of Management Information Systems.


Natarajan Balasubramanian, professor of management, “Employment Restrictions on Resource Transferability and Value Appropriation from Employees” (with Starr, E. and Yamaguchi, S.), Strategic Management Journal.


Natarajan Balasubramanian and Ravi Dharwadkar, professors of management, “How do Firms Grow in the U.S.? Evidence using a Novel Decomposition and Implications for Strategy Research” (with Sivadasan, J. and Ren, C.), Strategic Management Journal.


Joel Carnevale, associate professor of management department, has a paper, “Fulfilling Moral Duty or Prioritizing Moral Image? The Moral Self-Regulatory Consequences of Ethical Voice” (with Huang, L., Mackey, J., Paterson, T., Li, X. and Yang, D.), forthcoming in Journal of Applied Psychology.


David Harris, professor of accounting, and Linna Shi ’11 Ph.D., have their paper, “A Transaction Cost Model of Tax-Motivated Income Shifting into Dot-Sized Tax Havens and an Empirical Examination of E-Commerce Effects” (with Zhou, N.), accepted at The Journal of International Accounting Research. 


Candace Jens, assistant professor of finance, has her paper, “Credit Cycles, Expectations, and Corporate Investment” (with Huseyin, G., Ion, M. and Rossi, S.), forthcoming in Review of Financial Studies.


Burak Kazaz, The Steven R. Becker Professor of Supply Chain Management, and Shahryar Gheibi ’16 Ph.D., have a paper, “Direct trade sourcing strategies for specialty coffee” (with Webster, S.), forthcoming in Manufacturing & Service Operations Management.


David Lucas, assistant professor of entrepreneurship, has his paper, “The Effect of Regime Change on Entrepreneurship: A Real Options Approach with Evidence from U.S. Governor Elections,” accepted for publication in Journal of Business Venturing.


Arielle Newman, assistant professor of entrepreneurship, “If the Body Keeps the Score, What Happens When You Bring the Body to Work? Exploring the Health Effects of Trauma on Human Capital” (with Jones Christensen, L., Embry, E. and Godfrey, P.), Business & Society.


Lynne Vincent, associate professor of management, “Creative Ideation Increases Indulgent Choices” (with Krause, V. and Goncalo, J.A.), Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.


Padmal Vitharana, professor of management information systems, has his paper, “Challenges in Adopting and Sustaining Microservice-based Software Development” (with Daya, S.), accepted for publication in Communications of the ACM.


Johan Wiklund, Al Berg Chair and professor of entrepreneurship, “Navigating environmental threats to new ventures: A regulatory fit approach to bricolage (with Hsu, D.K. ’11 Ph.D., Adomako, S., Zhu, F. and Istipliler, B.), forthcoming in Journal of Management Studies.




Joel Carnevale, associate professor of management, wrote an Entrepreneur article featuring his recent Journal of Management paper on employee overqualification


Anparasan Mahalingam, assistant professor of management department, is co-organizer of a professional development workshop at the 2024 Academy of Management Meeting, titled “Value Creation, Value Capture, and Strategic Theories of Digitally Transformed Firms.”


Maria Minniti, Bantle Chair in Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, has a paper, “Community Logics Enactment and Refugee Entrepreneurship” (with Moss, T., Williams, T. and George, K.), accepted to the Best Papers Proceedings of the 2024 Academy of Management Meeting. The paper is also nominated for the Carolyn B. Dexter Award of the AOM.



Events, Webinars and Podcasts


The 2024 Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) Doctoral Consortium will be held at the Whitman School on July 31–Aug. 2, 2024. The consortium is co-sponsored by PDMA and the Earl V. Snyder Innovation Management Center and chaired by Distinguished Professor of Marketing S.P. Raj. It aims to enhance the development of doctoral students conducting impactful research in the broad domain of innovation which includes areas such as new products and services, digital marketing, new approaches to customer engagement and so forth. Students accepted to the consortium will be honored as doctoral student fellows and have a unique opportunity to network and share ideas with noted scholars from around the world in a collaborative setting. Attendance is by invitation.


Johan Wiklund, Al Berg Chair and professor of entrepreneurship, organized two workshops:

 “New Perspectives on Entrepreneurial Diversity and Well-being: Implications for Theory and Practice,” Dublin, Ireland, May 31-June 1, 2024. 

 “Inclusive or Exclusive? Diversity and Inclusion in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Research” in Copenhagen, Denmark, June 9-12, 2024. 

The latter is linked to a special issue in Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice that Wiklund is co-editing.



Ph.D. Students Corner


Anand Benegar, management doctoral student, “To Create with AI: Exploring the Social Evaluations of Creatives Who Use Artificial Intelligence” (with Vincent, L. and Carnevale, J.), accepted for presentation in the Academy of Management Symposium titled Impressions and Expressions of Creativity: Expanding our Understanding of Creativity.


Jaihyun Jeon, doctoral student in marketing:

“Digital Technologies and Marketing Innovations: A Systematic Review of Empirical Research” (with Athaide, G., Raj, S.P., Sivakumar, K. and Xiong, G.), forthcoming in Journal of Product Innovation Management.  

“Stock Market Responses to Negative Word of Mouth: Moderating Roles of Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives,” accepted for presentation at the ISMS Marketing Science 2024, Sydney, Australia.


Sanggeun Lee, entrepreneurship doctoral student: “Performance Feedback and Obsessive Passion: The Moderating Role of Human Capital” (with Lee, Y. and Park, K.M.), published in PLOS ONE, 19(4), 2024.

“Overwork and Subjective Well-being: The moderating effect of Self-perceived Socio-economic Status among Korean Entrepreneurs,” accepted for presentation at the GLEN conference (May, Chicago) and in the Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Aug., Chicago).


Kelly (Mi) Hoang Tran, entrepreneurship doctoral student:

“Training Academic Entrepreneurs to Innovate for the Future: Evidence from the I-Corps Program,” Academy of Management Annual Meeting Symposium in Chicago, August 2024.

Tran will also attend the Doctoral Consortium at the 2024 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Entrepreneurship Division.




Ph.D. Alum News


David Brannon ’11 Ph.D. has been promoted to full professor of entrepreneurship at Towson University.



In the News (selected)


Patrick Penfield, professor of supply chain management practice, was interviewed and/or quoted for a Fox News Segment, “Macy’s Closing 150 Stores” (Feb. 27), The Washington Post story, “Teamsters reach tentative deal with Anheuser-Busch, likely averting strike” (Feb. 28), Newsweek article, “Cocoa Prices Hit Historic Milestone” (April 1), SupplyChainDive article, “The Scoop on Cold Chain: Why Unilever’s Spinoff Offers Supply Chain Upside” (April 19), and Newsweek story, “Safeway Is Removing Self-Checkouts in California” (May 28).


Cameron Miller, associate professor of management, was quoted in the Buffalo News article, “Another Voice: Regulatory proposals threaten Buffalo’s tech scene” (June 5).


Lynne Vincent, associate professor of management, was quoted in the ABC News story, “Will Bernie Sanders' proposed 32-hour workweek pass Congress?” (March 20), and the New York Times story, “Tesla Seeks to Revive Musk’s $47 Billion Pay Deal After Judge Says No” (April 17).


Rachael Goodwin, assistant professor of management, was interviewed for The Conversation story, “How ‘himpathy’ helps shield perpetrators of sexual misconduct from repercussions” (March 20).


Kivanc Avrenli, professor of finance practice, was quoted in the Law360 article “Southwest Airlines Problems Paint Worrying Picture for Other Companies” (Feb. 22), and the Newsweek story, “Southwest Airlines Problems Paint Worrying Picture for Other Companies” (May 8). 


Thomas Barkley, professor of finance practice, CNBC story, “The market’s version of a ‘quickie’ divorce is getting more complex and costly” (March 9).


Ray Wimer, professor of retail practice, was quoted in the USA Today story, “Bye, department stores. Hello, AI. Is what's happening to Macy's and Nvidia a sign of the times?” (March 7).





Anywhere (Siko) Sikochi, from Harvard Business School, presented an accounting seminar, “Transitory and Permanent Cash Flow Shocks in Debt Contract Design,” on Feb. 23.


Vivek Raval, from University of Illinois Chicago, presented an accounting seminar, “The risk relevance of restructuring,” on March 15.


Mark (Shuai) Ma, from University of Pittsburgh, presented an accounting seminar, “Estimate Discretionary Accruals Using Benchmark Portfolios,” on March 29.


Cameron Miller, Natarajan Balasubramanian and Maria Minniti, presented a joint shared management-entrepreneurship seminar, where they shared their research agenda and what they see as the “big questions” that their work seeks to address, on March 29.


Salman Arif, from University of Minnesota, presented an accounting seminar, “The Real Effects of CEO Depression—Evidence from Corporate Investment Behavior,” on April 5. 


Jiwoo Ryou, from West Virginia University, presented an accounting seminar, “Does Free Speech Law Contribute to Voluntary Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure? Empirical Evidence,” on April 12.


Todd Zenger, from University of Utah, presented a joint management-entrepreneurship seminar, “Competing with theories: How entrants secure incumbents’ resources and capture awareness (or confidence) rents,” on April 12.


Joel Gehman, from George Washington University, presented an entrepreneurship seminar, “The Cogs and Wheels of Cultural Entrepreneurship: The Becoming of New Possibilities,” on April 19.


Rajshree Agarwal, from University of Maryland, presented an entrepreneurship seminar, “The Theory-Based View and Strategic Pivots: The Effects of Formalization in Cognition and Action on the Type and Nature of Pivots,” on April 26.

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