EEE Annual Report 2023-24 Publications and Recognitions

Suho Han, assistant professor of entrepreneurship
“Rural and urban place renewal in cross-sector partnerships,” (with Loor, A.C.D. and Moss, T.W.) Journal of Business Ethics, 2023, 184, 793–812.
Sanggeun Lee ’24 Ph.D., doctoral student in entrepreneurship
“Performance feedback and obsessive passion: The moderating role of human capital,” (with Lee, Y. and Park, K.M.) Plos one, 2024, 19(4), e0302180.
David Lucas, assistant professor of entrepreneurship
“A cloud’s silver lining? The impact of policy interventions on new and maturing technology ventures’ online recruitment,” (with Bellavitis, C. and Park, U.D.) Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2023, 17(2), 445–484.
“The effect of regime change on entrepreneurship: A real options approach with evidence from U.S. governor elections,” Journal of Business Venturing, forthcoming.
“The nature and origins of social venture mission: An exploratory study of political ideology and moral foundations,” (with Park, U.D.) Journal of Business Venturing, 2023, 38(2), 106271.
“Election selection: The effect of incumbent displacement in U.S. gubernatorial elections on entrepreneurship,” Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research Proceedings, 2023.
“When ‘what works’ does not work: The United States’ mission to end homelessness,” (with Boudreaux, C.) in Henrekson, M. Sandström, C. and Stenkula, M. (Eds.), 2024, Moonshots and the new industrial policy: Questioning the mission economy (pp. 145–168). Springer Cham, Switzerland.
“Austrian economics and mainstream entrepreneurship: Retrospect and prospect,” in Horwitz, S. and Rouanet, L. (Eds.), 2023, A research agenda for Austrian economics (pp. 45–68).
Alexander McKelvie, interim dean, professor of entrepreneurship
“Scale-ups and high-growth firms: Theory, definitions and measurement,” (with Coad, A., Bornhäll, A. and Daunfeldt, S.-O.) 2024, Springer Publishing.
“Entrepreneurship education and its role in transitional entrepreneurship as veterans transition from military to civilian life,” (with Tihic, M., Pritchard, A., and Maury, R.V.), Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, 2024.
“Entrepreneurial responsibility: A conceptual framework to understand ethical dualism throughout the entrepreneurial process,” (with Hägg, G., Kurczewska, A., Haataja, V.) Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, 2024, 48(4), 1110-1126.
“Customer engagement patterns and new venture outcomes,” (with Chandler, G.N., McLeod, M., Broberg, J.C., and DeTienne, D.A.) Small Business Economics, 2023.
“Health resourcefulness behaviors: Implications of work-health resource trade-offs for the self-employed,” (with Michaelis, T.L., Carr, J.C., Spivack, A. and Lerman, M.P.) Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 2023, 20, e00432.
Maria Minniti, Bantle Chair in Entrepreneurship and Public Policy; and Chair, Department of Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises
“Is productive entrepreneurship getting scarcer? A reflection on the contemporary relevance of Baumol’s typology of entrepreneurship,” (with Naudé, W. and Stam. E.) in Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship and Conflict, Naudé, W. and Power, B. Eds. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2024, pp.18-44.
“Know thy neighbor: Knowledge spillovers and community organizing,” (with Stein, D. ’23 Ph.D.) Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, BCERC Proceedings (FER), 2024.
“Community logics enactment and refugee entrepreneurship,” (with Moss, T., Williams, T., George, K.) in Best Papers Proceedings of the Eighty-fourth Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, G. Atinc Ed., Online, 2024.
“The influence of regulation on technological innovation and entry,” (with Palubinskas, A. ’21 Ph.D.) in The Handbook of Innovation and Regulations, Andersson, M., Braunerhjelm, P. and Eklund, J. Eds. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 2023, pp.33-56.
“Resilience within constraints: An event-oriented approach to crisis response,” (with Rodriguez, Z., Williams, T.A.) Journal of Management, 2024.
“Is productive entrepreneurship getting scarcer? A reflection on the contemporary relevance of Baumol’s typology of entrepreneurship,” (with Naudé, W. and Stam. E.) Discussion Paper Series, IZA DP No. 16408, 2023, Berlin.
Arielle Newman, assistant professor of entrepreneurship
“Entrepreneurship and democracy: A complex relationship,” (with Brieger, S.A. and Hechavarría, D.M.) Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2024, 48(5).
“Who do I want to be now that I’m here? Refugee entrepreneurs, identity and acculturation,” (with Christenson, L.J.) Business and Society, 2023.
David Park, associate professor of entrepreneurship
“An image of industry: exploring the effects of knowledge sources in the medical imaging industry,” (with Rha, Y., Shah, S.K. and Chattopadhyay, S.) Industrial and Corporate Change, 2024, 33(1), 64-89.
Johan Wiklund, Al Berg Chair and professor of entrepreneurship
“Neurodiversity and entrepreneurship,” (with Tran, M.H. ’25 Ph.D. and Rahm, R.) in Patton, E., Santuzzi, A.M. (eds) Neurodiversity and Work: Employment, Identity, and Support Networks for Neurominorities, 2024 (pp. 283-309). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
“Navigating environmental threats to new ventures: A regulatory fit approach to bricolage,” (with Adomako, S., Zhu, F., Hsu, D.K. ’11 Ph.D. and Istipliler, B.) Journal of Management Studies, 2024.
“From disastrous heat waves to extreme rains: Effects of weather shocks on entrepreneurship,” (with Churchill, S.A., Munyanyi, M.E. and Trinh, T.A.) Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 2024, 21, e00469.
“Growing pains in scale-ups: How scaling affects new venture employee burnout and job satisfaction,” (with Genedy, M., Hellerstedt, K., and Naldi, L.) Journal of Business Venturing, 2024, 39(2), 106367.
”Do hybrid goals pay off? Social and economic goals in academic spin-offs,” (with Abootorabi, H. ’23 Ph.D., Krishnan, R., Rasmussen, E.) Journal of Management Studies, 2024, 61(1), 110-140.
“The strategic advantage of impulsivity in entrepreneurial action: An agent-based modeling approach,” (with Bort, J. ’20 Ph.D., Crawford, C., Lerner, D. and Hunt, R.) Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2023, 10422587231178882.
“Implications of mental health for business families and family businesses: Towards a holistic research agenda,” (with Tetzlaff, E. and Jaskiewicz, P.) Family Business Review, 2023, 26(3), 284-295.
“The impact of entrepreneurship research on other academic fields,” (with Thurik, R., Audretsch, D., Burke, A., Caree, M., Dejardin, M., Rietveld, N. and Stephan, U.) Small Business Economics, 2023, 1-25.
“Act or wait-and-see? Adversity, agility, and entrepreneur wellbeing across countries during the Covid-19 pandemic,” (with Stephan, U., Zbierowski, P., Pérez-Luño, A., Wach, D. ....and Zahid, M.M.) Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 2023, 10422587221104820.
FALL 2023
October 6, 2023 - Internal Experts Lunch Talks
Alexander McKelvie, Johan Wiklund, Lynne Vincent, Ravi Dharwadkar (joint EEE/MGT), Whitman School of Management (Syracuse University)
November 17, 2023 - Abandonment of the Applicant’s Signal: Grades and Entrepreneurship
Jon Eckhardt, Wisconsin School of Business (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
November 29, 2023 - Joost Rietveld (joint EEE/MGT)
UCL School of Management (University College London), Rolling the Dice: Resolving Demand Uncertainty in Markets with Heterogenous Network Effects
Spring 2024
January 26, 2024 - Maintaining Craft: The Collective Custodial Work of Community Entrepreneurs
Tina Dacin, Smith School of Business (Queens University)
February 2, 2024 - Measure Twice, Cut Once: Achieving Exceptional Growth in Nascent Online Fashion Markets
Ben Hallen - Foster School of Business (University of Washington)
Febraury 16, 2024 - How Incumbent Firms Cope with Economic Policy Uncertainty: The Case of Corporate Venture Capital Investments in Innovative Startups as a Real Option
Yongwook Paik, KAIST College of Business, Seoul
March 29, 2024 - Internal Experts Lunch Talks
Maria Minniti, Natarajan Balasubramanian, Cameron Miller (joint EEE/MGT), Whitman School of Management (Syracuse University)
April 12, 2024 - Competing with Theories: How Entrants Secure Incumbents’ Resources and Capture Awareness (or Confidence) Rents
Todd Zenger (joint EEE/MGT), David Eccles School of Business (University of Utah)
April 19, 2024 - The Cogs and Wheels of Cultural Entrepreneurship: The Becoming of New Possibilities
Joel Gehman, George Washington School of Business (George Washington University)
April 26, 2024 - The Theory-Based View and Strategic Pivots: The Effects of Formalization in Cognition and Action on the Type and Nature of Pivots
Rajshree Agarwal (joint EEE/MGT), Robert H. Smith School of Business (University of Maryland)