Letter from the Entrepreneurship Chair - We will always keep a light on for you.

Dear Friends,
It is my great pleasure to greet you as we begin our journey into a new academic year.And as I reflect on the past year, I couldn’t be prouder of all that our community has achieved.
This has been a very exciting year for EEE. Throughout the year, our faculty continued providing first-class education and thought leadership. Whether being selected as professor of the year, recognized as founder of a fast-growing venture, editing a journal that shapes our understanding of entrepreneurship, or leading a research institute that informs business and policy leaders, our faculty members continue to distinguish themselves as top educators in the University and thought leaders in the field. Our students continue to distinguish themselves as well. From launching new ventures and winning business plan competitions to receiving prestigious awards for the quality of their research, our students go on to make their mark in the world. The list goes on.
Our signature events also continued to go from strength to strength, from the Orange Tank Pitch Competition in the fall and the Panasci Business Plan Competition in the spring, both of which have seen increased and enthusiastic participation, to the Capstone events at the end of each semester, which continue to excite generations of students as they graduate and move on to their next adventure. Capstone is a particularly proud moment for us. Some of these students will start their own ventures, others will join public or non-profit organizations, many will work in corporations and firms of various sizes. No matter where they go, they have learned how to think entrepreneurially. This year, many of them found their entrepreneurial home in the re-energized Couri Hatchery and its many events and activities.
John, our Deputy Chair, and I invite you all to read this report to learn more about what EEE is doing to make Whitman and the world better places.
Thank you for being part of our community and for supporting our efforts in so many ways. You make it possible for us to deliver innovative programs that help our students become successful, entrepreneurial alumni.
John and I look forward to working with all of you to further strengthen and develop our community. This is your entrepreneurial home. We will always keep a light on for you.
Go Orange,
Maria Minniti
Louis A. Bantle Chair of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy
Chair, Department of Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises
Director, Institute for an Entrepreneurial Society (IES)
John M. Torrens, Ph.D.
Deputy Department Chair & Professor of Entrepreneurial Practice
Program Manager, Master’s of Science in Entrepreneurship
Academic Director, Semester in NYC
Department of Entrepreneurship & Emerging Enterprises