David Weinbaum

Department Chair in Finance, Professor of Finance, Harris Fellow
David Weinbaum is Professor of Finance and Harris Fellow at the Syracuse University Martin J. Whitman School of Management. He also serves as chair of the finance department. Professor Weinbaum's research interests are in empirical asset pricing and derivatives. For example, one of his recent projects investigates how informed option traders trade around news announcements and another analyses the pricing of jump and volatility risk in the equity market. Weinbaum has published in several academic journals in finance, economics, and accounting, and his research has been featured in major news outlets including the Financial Times, U.S. News and World Report, and the Wall Street Journal. He teaches a finance course at the PhD level, investments at the undergraduate level, and has taught managerial finance and valuation in the online MBA program. In 2016, he received the Whitman faculty teaching award. He was previously on the faculty of the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University, where he won the Globe award for excellence in teaching. Weinbaum worked as a swap trader at BNP Paribas before earning his PhD at NYU Stern.
Ph.D., Finance, New York University
Professor Weinbaum's research interests are in empirical asset pricing and derivatives. For example, one of his recent projects investigates how informed option traders trade around news announcements and another analyses the pricing of jump and volatility risk in the equity market. Weinbaum has published in several leading journals in finance, economics, and accounting, and his research has been cited in major news outlets including the Financial Times, U.S. News and World Report, and the Wall Street Journal.


  • Performing Up to Par? Hospitality Firms After ASU 2016-02

    2024 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, Jang, Y., Liu, C., Yehuda, N.

  • Inferring Aggregate Market Expectations from the Cross-Section of Stock Prices

    2024 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Bali, T., Nichols, C.

  • Financial Reporting Quality and Investment Efficiency: The Role of Strategic Alliances

    2023 Journal of Contemporary Accounting & Economics, Huang, H., Yehuda, N.

  • Option Trading Activity, News Releases, and Stock Return Predictability

    2023 Management Science, Muravyev, D., Fodor, A., Cremers, M.

  • The Economic Consequences of Perk Disclosure

    2017 Contemporary Accounting Research,34, Grinstein, Y., Yehuda, N.

  • Aggregate Jump and Volatility Risk in the Cross ? Section of Stock Returns

    2015 Journal of Finance, The, Cremers, M., Halling, M.

  • Preference Heterogeneity and Asset Prices: An Exact Solution,

    2011 Journal of Banking & Finance,34,9,2238 ‐ 2246,

  • Deviations from put-call parity and stock return predictability

    2010 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,45,2,335-367, Cremers, M.

  • Investor heterogeneity, asset pricing and volatility dynamics

    2009 Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,33,7,1379-1397,

  • Assessing the historical performance of hospitality stocks: The investor's perspective

    2009 Cornell Hospitality Quarterly,50,1,113-125,

  • Does skin in the game matter? Director incentives and governance in the mutual fund industry

    2009 Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,44,6,1345-1373, Cremers, M., Driessen, J., Maenhout, P.

  • Individual stock-option prices and credit spreads

    2008 Journal of Banking & Finance,32,12,2706-2715, Cremers, M., Driessen, J., Maenhout, P.

  • A conditional extreme value volatility estimator based on high-frequency returns

    2007 Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,31,2,361-397, Bali, T.

  • Subsistence consumption, habit formation and the demand for the long-term bonds

    2005 Journal of Economics and Business,57,4,273-287,

  • A comparative study of alternative extreme-value volatility estimators

    2005 Journal of Futures Markets,25,9,873-892, Bali, T.

  • Sep 01, 2016

    2016 Whitman faculty teaching award

    Whitman School of Management
  • Jan 01, 2014

    Harris Fellow in Finance

  • Jan 01, 2008

    Crowell memorial award

    PanAgora Asset Management
  • Jan 01, 2008

    Wheeler award for quantitative and behavioral research in finance

    Numeric Investors
  • Jan 01, 2007

    Johnson Globe award for excellence in teaching

  • Jan 01, 2001

    American association of individual investors award for best paper in investments

    Financial Management Association