Alexander McKelvie

- Email Contact Me
- Phone 315-443-7252
- Department Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises, Online Programs, Whitman Dean's Office
- Office 415C
Prior to his role as associate dean, he was the Chair of the Department of Entrepreneurship & Emerging Enterprises (EEE). During his term as Chair, the EEE program experienced a period of growth and innovation. The program received national and international recognition for excellence in research and educational programming as well.
Since his arrival at Syracuse in 2007, McKelvie has taught a broad array of courses dealing with different aspects of entrepreneurship, including strategic planning, growth, new venture development, family business, and corporate entrepreneurship. He has also taken a leading role in developing and teaching world-class programs, including designing new courses and training programs for Syracuse University’s Institute for Veteran and Military Families.
McKelvie has received teaching awards from Syracuse University, the Whitman School of Management, the EEE department, and his former university in Sweden. In 2020, he was named a Justin Longenecker Fellow from USASBE, the highest honor they provide for contributions to support SMEs. He has worked with many entrepreneurial startups across the US, Sweden, and other places around the world.
His research deals with questions regarding two main areas: how and why do firms grow and how do entrepreneurs make decisions with an emphasis on factors such as opportunities, dealing with uncertainty, effectuation, failure, and addiction. McKelvie’s research has received a number of major international awards, including the best doctoral dissertation in entrepreneurship from the National Federation of Independent Businesses and multiple awards at leading entrepreneurship conferences. McKelvie has published his work in the most influential entrepreneurship journals and he is on the editorial review boards of multiple journals such as Journal of Business Venturing, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, and Family Business Review. His work has also been profiled in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Bloomberg Businessweek, and Inc. Magazine, among other outlets. He is a Fortune Insider and on the CNBC Disruptor Advisory Council.
Entrepreneurial responsibility: A conceptual framework to understand ethical dualism throughout the entrepreneurial process
2024 Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice,48,4,1110-1126, Hägg, G., Kurczewska, A., Haataja, V.
Customer Engagement Patterns and New Venture Outcomes
2024 Small Business Economics,63,1117-1138, Chandler, G., McLeod, M., Broberg, C., DeTienne, D.
Entrepreneurial mindset in corporate entrepreneurship: Forms, impediments and actions for research
2023 Journal of Small Business Management,61,1,132-154, Kuratko, D., Hornsby, J.
Health resourcefulness behaviors: Implications of work-health resource trade-offs for the self-employed
2023 Journal of Business Venturing Insights,20,e00432, Michaelis, T., Carr, J., Spivack, A., Lerman, M.
Entrepreneurship as an auspicious context for mental health research
2022 Journal of Business Venturing Insights,18,e00349, Gish, J., Lerner, D., Wiklund, J., van Witteloostuijn, A., Wolfe, M.
What do they think and feel about growth? Examining small business managers’ attitudes towards growth in the United States
2021 Journal of Business Venturing Insights,15, Brattström, A., Dennis Jr, W.
Measuring addiction to entrepreneurship
2021 Journal of Business Venturing Insights,15,June, Spivack
Enablers of exit through trade sale: The case of early-stage research based spin-offs
2021 Small Business Economics, Mathiesen, M., Shankar, R., Widding, O., Rasmussen, E.
Metacognition and entrepreneurial action: The mediating role of a strategic mindset on promoting effort and innovative behavior in frugal entrepreneurs
2021 Journal of Business Venturing Insights,16, Michaelis, T., Pollack, J., Hu, X., Carr, J.
Path dependence in new ventures’ capital structures
2021 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,45,2, Söderblom, A., Samuelsson, M.
Social support and its effects on self-efficacy among entrepreneurs with disabilities
2021 Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Tihic, M., Hadzic, M.
A dynamic model of entrepreneurial opportunity: Integrating Kirzner’s and Mises’s approaches to entrepreneurial action
2020 Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics,23,3-4,499-541, Wiklund, J., McMullen, J., Palubinskas, A.
The measurement of effectuation: Highlighting research tensions and opportunities for the future
2020 Small Business Economics,54,689-720, Chandler, G., DeTienne, D., Johansson, A.
Orchestrating boundaries: The effect of R&D boundary permeability on new venture growth
2019 Journal of Business Venturing,34,1,63-79, Nason, R., Wiklund, J., Hitt, M., Yu, W.
Entrepreneurship addiction: Shedding light on the manifestation of the 'dark side' in work behavior patterns
2018 Academy of Management Perspectives ,32,3,358-378, Spivack, A.
Externally acquired or internally generated? Knowledge development and perceived environmental dynamism in new venture innovation
2018 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,42,1,24-46, Wiklund, J., Brattstrom, A.
Signaling for more money: The roles of founders’ human capital and investor prominence in resource acquisition across different stages of firm development
2018 Journal of Business Venturing,33,4,438-454, Ko, E.
Financial literacy, role models and micro-enterprise performance in the informal economy
2017 International Small Business Journal,35,7,855-875, Engstrom, P.
Blame you, blame me: Understanding attribution differences and impact in family and non-family firms
2017 Family Business Review,30,3,284-308, Jayamohan, P., Moss, T.
Is this the end? Investigating firm and individual level outcomes post-failure
2017 Journal of Business Venturing Insights,8,138-143, Jenkins, A.
Young firm growth: Reconciling growth orientation and innovative activities
2017 Small Business Economics,49,2,273-293, Brattstrom, A., Wennberg, K.
The strategic management of high-growth firms: A review and theoretical conceptualization
2017 Long Range Planning,50,4,431-456, Demir, R., Wennberg, K.
What is entrepreneurial failure? Implications for future research
2016 International Small Business Journal,34,2,176-188, Jenkins, A.
Variable risk preferences in new venture growth and survival
2016 Journal of Business Venturing,31,4,408-427, Wennberg, K., Delmar, F.
Centralization and delegation practices in family versus non-family SMEs: A Rasch analysis
2016 Small Business Economics,47,3,755-769, Martin, W., Lumpkin, G.
Opportunity evaluation as future-focused cognition: Identifying conceptual themes and empirical trend
2015 International Journal of Management Reviews,17,2,256-277, Wood, M.
Making sense of entrepreneurial exit strategies: A typology and test
2015 Journal of Business Venturing,30,2,255-272, DeTienne, D., Chandler, G.
The role of organizational size in the heterogeneous nature of corporate entrepreneurship
2015 Small Business Economics,45,279-304, Nason, R., Lumpkin, G.
Habitual entrepreneurs: Possible cases of entrepreneurship addiction?
2015 Journal of Business Venturing,29,651-667, Spivack, A., Haynie, M.
What about new entry? Examining the theorized role of new entry in entrepreneurial orientation research.
2015 International Small Business Journal,33,4,351-373, Wiklund, J., Wales, W.
Making it personal: Opportunity individuation and the shaping of opportunity beliefs
2014 Journal of Business Venturing,29,252-272, Wood, M., Haynie, J.
What Matters, Matters Differently: A Con joint Analysis of the Decision Policies of Angel Investors and Venture Capitalists
2013 Venture Capital, Haynie, M., Hsu, D., Simmons, S.
Political institutional structure influences on innovative activity
2013 Journal of Business Research,66,12,2574-2580, Broberg, J., Short, J., Ketchen, D., Wan, W.
Untangling the relationships among growth, profitability and survival in new firms
2013 Technovation,33,8-9,276-291, Delmar, F., Wennberg, K.
Unpacking the uncertainty construct: Implications for entrepreneurial action
2011 Journal of Business Venturing,26,3,273-292, Haynie, M., Gustavsson, V.
Causation and effectuation processes: A validation study
2011 Journal of Business Venturing,26,3,375-390, Chandler, G., DeTienne, D., Mumford, T.
The organizational pervasiveness of entrepreneurial orientation
2011 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice,35,5,895-923, Wales, W., Monsen, E.
Advancing Firm Growth Research: A Focus on Growth Mode Instead of GrowthRate
2010 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,34,2,261-288, Wiklund, J.
Firm and industry effects on firm performance: A generalization and extension for new ventures
2009 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,3,1,47-65, Short, J., Ketchen, Jr., D., Chandler, G.
From resource base to dynamic capabilities: An investigation of new firms
2009 British Journal of Management,20,SUPP. 1,S63-S80, Davidsson, P.
Asset specificity and behavioral uncertainty as moderators of the sales growth - Employment growth relationship in emerging ventures
2009 Journal of Business Venturing,24,4,373-387, Chandler, G., Davidsson, P.
Entrepreneurship education and its role in transitional entrepreneurship as veterans transition from military to civilian life
Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, Tihic, M., Pritchard, A., Maury, R.
Knocking on Heaven’s Door? Entrepreneurship, Firm Growth, and Health Risks
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Partanen, J., Tenhiälä, A., Kautonen, T., Jokela, M., Lerner, D.
The influence of managerial attributions on corporate entrepreneurship
Jayamohan, P., Moss, T., Hyman, M.
Apr 01, 2022
Received - George R. Burman Award for Entrepreneurial Leadership
Department of Entrepreneurship & Emerging Enterprises -
Jan 01, 2022
Received - CNBC Disruptor Advisory Council (2016-current)
Jan 01, 2020
Received - Top reviewer award
Journal of Small Business Management -
Jan 01, 2020
Received - Justin G. Longenecker Fellow
Jan 01, 2016
Nominated - Finalist - Meredith Teaching Award (university-wide)
Syracuse University -
Jan 01, 2016
Received - Fortune Insider
Fortune Magazine -
Jan 01, 2014
Received - Whitman Faculty Research Award
Whitman -
Jan 01, 2014
Received - Certificate of Reviewing Excellence
Journal of Business Venturing -
Jan 01, 2012
Received - Winner of the Stevens Institute/Wesley J. Howe best paper award in Corporate Entrepreneurship
Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference -
Jan 01, 2012
Received - Excellent Reviewer Award
Family Business Review -
Jan 01, 2012
Received - 2011-2012 Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Teaching Recognition Award
Syracuse University -
Jan 01, 2012
Received - Kauffman Professor of Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Jan 01, 2011
Received - Top Reviewer Award
Journal of Business Venturing -
Jan 01, 2011
Nominated - Finalist for the Teaching Innovation Award at Whitman School of Management
Jan 01, 2011
Received - Named Outstanding Entrepreneurship Educator
Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University -
Jan 01, 2010
Received - Winner of Guttag Junior Faculty Award
Whitman School of Management -
Jan 01, 2009
Received - Winner of Research Promise Award
Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management IDEA Awards Program -
Jan 01, 2008
Received - Winner of Research Promise Award
Entrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management IDEA Awards Program -
Jan 01, 2008
Received - Best doctoral dissertation award winner
National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB) -
Jan 01, 2006
Received - Outstanding Review (top 40)
Entrepreneurship Division of Academy of Management -
Jan 01, 2003
Received - Pedagogical Prize
Jönköping International Business School
What's great about entrepreneurship is you get to determine your own success
September 01, 2023 Syracuse Post-Standard -
SU Whitman School’s Alexander McKelvie on leadership: ‘Just be nice to people’
September 01, 2023 -
Entrepreneurs Famously Work Hard. For Many, Dangerously So.
May 08, 2023 Wall Street Journal -
SUNY Upstate, Syracuse partner to launch joint medical degree/MBA program
May 01, 2022 Fortune -
Some of the best entrepreneurs started later in life
January 01, 2022 International Finance Magazine -
New college degrees give Liberal Arts students more business courses
September 01, 2021 Wall Street Journal -
SU launches first online JD/MBA degree in the nation
January 26, 2020 Daily Orange -
How we chose the 2019 CNBC Disruptor 50 innovators
May 15, 2019 CNBC -
2019's Best Large Cities to Start a Business
May 08, 2019 -
How did the Kardashians make their millions?
April 05, 2019 BBC -
How an MBA Can Pay Off for Entrepreneurs
March 20, 2019 U.S. News & World Report -
Alexander McKelvie discussed the philanthropic efforts of the world's richest people
March 06, 2019 CGTN -
How to Choose an MBA for Nonprofit Management
February 21, 2019 U.S. News & World Report -
How to Highlight Military Jobs in MBA Applications
November 08, 2018 U.S. News & World Report -
How Entrepreneurship Addiction Can Possibly Go Wrong
December 11, 2017 -
Syracuse Athletics-Lyft partnership, set to unveil Friday, ‘fruit for both parties’
August 31, 2017 Daily Orange -
What Uber’s arrival to central New York could mean for local taxi companies
June 09, 2017 The Daily Orange -
Are you a workaholic
February 01, 2017 Thrive Global (Huffington Post) -
Here’s where most entrepreneurs go wrong with money
August 01, 2016 Fortune -
Find the right college to be an entrepreneur
January 01, 2016 US News -
Are entrepreneurs addicted to startups?
December 01, 2014 Small Business Opportunities -
Is it possible to be addicted to entrepreneurship?
November 01, 2014 Science Daily -
Can you be addicted to starting companies?
November 01, 2014 Business Week -
The science is in: Entrepreneurship is addictive!
November 01, 2014 MLM Business Opportunities Blog -
Can you really be addicted to starting companies?
November 01, 2014 Bloomberg Business Week -
Research Examines Whether It's Possible to Be Addicted to Entrepreneurship
November 01, 2014 Newswise -
Feel addicted to being an entrepreneur? Researchers say it’s real
November 01, 2014 Business News Daily -
Is entrepreneurship addictive?
November 01, 2014 Forbes -
August 01, 2012 WCNY show -
Family focus attracts job-seekers startups can compete for top talent with "feel-good" work atmosphere
June 01, 2011 Syracuse Post-Standard -