Pamela Brandes

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Brandes's research interests are in the areas of executive compensation, corporate governance, and employee attitudes. Her research appears in publications such as Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Perspectives, Journal of Business Research, Group and Organization Management, and Human Resource Management Review.
Time is of the essence!: Retired independent directors' contributions to board effectiveness
2022 Journal of Business Ethics, Dharwadkar, R., Linna, S., Ross, J.
I know something you don’t know!: The role of linking pin directors in monitoring and incentive alignment
2016 Strategic Management Journal,37,5,964-981, Dharwadkar, R., Suh, S.
To thine shareholders be true? Linking large corporate ownership to firms' use of commitment human resource practices
2016 Human Resource Management,55,4,567-589, Mullins, F., Dharwadkar, R.
Owners on both sides of the deal: Mergers and acquisitions and overlapping institutional ownership
2010 Strategic Management Journal,31,1114-1135, Goranova, M., Dharwadkar, R.
The importance of being ‘Indian’: Identity centrality and work outcomesin an off-shored call center in India
2008 HUMAN RELATIONS,61,11,1499-1530, Das, D., Dharwadkar, R.
Institutional ownership and monitoring effectiveness: It’s not just how much but what else you own
2008 Organization Science,19,3,419-440, Dharwadkar, R., Goranova, M., Khan, R.
Navigating shareholder influence: Compensation plans and the shareholder approval process
2008 ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES,22,1,41-57, Goranova, M., Hall, S.
The interactive effects of job insecurity and organizational cynicism on work effort following a layoff.
2008 Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies (JLOS),14,3,233-247, Castro, S., James, S., Martinez, A., Matherly, T., Ferris, G., Hochwarter, W.
Managerial ownership and corporate diversification: A longitudinal view
2007 Strategic Management Journal,28,3,211-225, Goranova, M., Alessandri, T., Dharwadkar, R.
Institutional ownership and CEO compensation: a longitudinal examination
2005 Journal of Business Research,58,8,1078-1088, Khan, R., Dharwadkar, R.
Social exchanges within organizations and work outcomes - The importance of local and global relationships
2004 GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT,29,3,276-301, Dharwadkar, R., Wheatley, K.
Effective stock option design: Reconciling stakeholder, strategic, and motivational factors
2003 Academy of Management Executive,17,1,77-95, Dharwadkar, R., Lemesis, G.
Privatization in emerging economies: An agency theory perspective
2000 Academy of Management Review,25,3,650-669, Dharwadkar, R., George, G.
Organizational cynicism
1998 Academy of Management Review,23,2,341-352, Dean, J., Dharwadkar, R.
Jan 01, 2018
Highly Cited Papers
Aug 01, 2017
Best Paper Proceedings
Jan 01, 2016
Selected for Syracuse University’s SITETL program
Jan 01, 2010
Received - The Inclusive Connective Corridor (ICC): Social Networks and the ADVANCEment of Women STEM Faculty
National Science Foundation Institutional Transformation Grant -
Jan 01, 2009
Selected as Whitman School representative to Big Chalk
Jan 01, 2009
Received - Received a curriculum innovation grant ($2500)
Jan 01, 2008
Received - Whitman Research Fellowship
Syracuse University Whitman School of Management -
Jan 01, 2008
Received - Distinguished Paper Award
Business Policy and Strategy Division, Academy of Management Meetings -
Jan 01, 2007
Received - Best International Paper Award
OB Division of the Academy of Management -
Jan 01, 2005
Received - Meredith Teaching Recognition Award
Jan 01, 1999
Republished in Annual Editions: Organizational Behavior 00/01
Dushkin Mc-Graw Hill -
Jan 01, 1999
Received - Outstanding Empirical Paper Award
Eastern Academy of Management