Eunkyu Lee

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- Phone 315-443-3429
- Department Marketing, Online Programs
- Office 631
Effect of of Store Brand Introduction on Channel Price Leadership: An Empirical Investigation
2018 Journal of Retailing,
Store Brand Quality and Retailer’s Product Line Design
2017 Journal of Retailing,93,4,527-540,
Asymmetric Relationships with Symmetric Suppliers: Strategic Choice of Supply Chain Price Leadership in a Competitive Market
2017 European Journal of Operational Research,259,2,527-540, Chung, .
Does Channel Decentralization Lead to Low Quality Product Line?
2014 European Journal of Marketing, Chung, H.
A "meta-analysis" of multibrand, multioutlet channel systems
2013 Management Science,59,9,1950-1969, Staelin, R., Yoo, W., Du, R.
Internet channel entry: A strategic analysis of mixed channel structures
2011 Marketing Science,30,1,29-41, Yoo, W.
How complex do movie channel contracts need to be?
2008 Marketing Science,27,4,627-641, Raut, S., Swami, S., Weinberg, C.
Social desirability bias in diary panels IS evident in panelists' behavioral frequency
2006 Psychological Reports,99,2,322-334, Toh, R., Hu, M.
Bridge, focus, attack, or stimulate: Retail category management strategies with a store brand
2005 Quantitative Marketing and Economics,3,4,393-418, Du, R., Staelin, R.
Empirical tests on regressive estimations: Implications on surveys and diaries
2004 Psychological Reports,94,3 I,1061-1074, Toh, R., Hu, M.
Respondent non-cooperation in surveys and diaries: An analysis of item non-response and panel attrition
2004 International Journal of Market Research,46,3,311-326+386-388, Hu, M., Toh, R.
Contract Design In Complex Supply Chains Using Genetic Algorithm and Game Theoretic Approaches
2004 Raut, S., Swami, S., Weinberg, C., Pawar, K., Lalwani, C., Shah, J.
Are consumer survey results distorted? systematic impact of behavioral frequency and duration on survey response errors
2000 Journal of Marketing Research,37,1,125-133, Hu, M., Toh, R.
Survey Accuracy as a Function of Usage Rate
2000 Marketing Letters,11,4,335-348, Hu, M., Toh, R.
Morvan's fibrillary chorea - Electrodiagnostic and in vitro microelectrode findings
1998 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,841,497-500, Maselli, R., Agius, M., Bakshi, N., Mandler, R., Ellis, W.
Periodic left temporal sharp waves during acute psychosis
1998 Journal of Epilepsy,11,2,79-83,
Morvan's fibrillary chorea: A paraneoplastic manifestation of thymoma
1998 Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, The,65,6,857-862, Maselli, R., Ellis, W., Agius, M.
Antibodies to AChR, synapse-organizing proteins, titin, and other muscle proteins in Morvan's fibrillary chorea
1998 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,841,522-524, Agius, M., Zhu, S., Aarli, J., Kirvan, C., Fairclough, R., Maselli, R.
Generators of short latency human somatosensory-evoked potentials recorded over the spine and scalp
1998 Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology,15,3,227-234, Seyal, M.
Multiple intracranial and systemic aneurysms associated with infantile- onset arterial fibromuscular dysplasia
1998 Neurology,50,3,828-829, Hecht, S., Lie, J.
Role of antiribosomal P protein antibodies in the diagnosis of lupus isolated to the central nervous system
1997 JAMA Neurology,54,7,862-864, Agius, M., Chan, J., Chung, S.
Vertical strategic interaction: Implications for channel pricing strategy
1997 Marketing Science,16,3,185-207, Staelin, R.
Impact of the level of aggregation on response accuracy in surveys of behavioral frequency
1996 Marketing Letters,7,4,371-382, Hu, M., Toh, R.
Mastering the Mix: Do Advertising, Promotion, and Salesforce Activities Lead to Differentiation?
1994 Journal of Marketing Research,31,2,159-172, Boulding, W., Staelin, R.
MR and positron emission tomography in the diagnosis of surgically correctable temporal lobe epilepsy
1994 American Journal of Neuroradiology,15,7,1341-1348, Heinz, R., Ferris, N., Radtke, R., Crain, B., Hoffman, J., Hanson, M., Paine, S., Friedman, A.
False lateralization of scalp EEG seizure onset
1993 Journal of Epilepsy,6,4,220-223, Armon, C., Duginski, T., Lewis, D., Radtke, R.
Differentiation via the marketing mix
1992 Marketing Letters,3,4,343-356, Boulding, W.
The Long-Term Differentiation Value of Marketing Communication Actions
1992 Marketing Science Institute Report,92-133, Boulding, W., Staelin, R.
Dec 02, 2024
Received - Top 50 Undergraduate Business Professor
Poets & Quants -
Nov 04, 2015
Doctoral Consortium Faculty
Society for Marketing Advances -
Jan 01, 2013
Dean’s Research Fellow
Whitman -
Jan 01, 2012
Martin J. Whitman Research Fellow
Jan 01, 2011
Journal of Retailing Outstanding Reviewer Award
Jan 01, 2010
Graduate Faculty of the Year
Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University -
Jan 01, 2005
Advisor of Levy and Weitz Dissertation Competition winning proposal
Jan 01, 2005
Meredith Teaching Recognition Award Nominee
Syracuse University -
Jan 01, 2003
Dean’s Recognition of Teaching Excellence
Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University -
Jan 01, 2002
Dean’s Recognition of Teaching Excellence
Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University -
Jan 01, 1999
Dean’s Recognition of Teaching Excellence
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, University of British Columbia -
Jan 01, 1999
Finning Junior Chair Professorship
University of British Columbia -
Jan 01, 1998
MBA Teaching Excellence Award Nominee
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, University of British Columbia -
Jan 01, 1997
Dean’s Recognition of Teaching Excellence
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration, University of British Columbia -
Jan 01, 1996
Dean’s Recognition of Teaching Excellence
Albers School of Management, Seattle University -
Jan 01, 1996
Marketing Professor of the Year
Albers School of Management, Seattle University -
Jan 01, 1995
Marketing Professor of the Year
Albers School of Management, Seattle University -
Jan 01, 1995
Seattle University Faculty Fellowship
Seattle University -
Jan 01, 1995
Dean’s Recognition of Teaching Excellence
Albers School of Management, Seattle University -
Jan 01, 1994
Dean’s Recognition of Teaching Excellence
Albers School of Management, Seattle University -
Jan 01, 1994
Faculty Research Award
Albers School of Business, Seattle University -
Jan 01, 1993
Dean’s Recognition of Teaching Excellence
Albers School of Management, Seattle University -
Jan 01, 1990
Consortium Fellow
25th Annual American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium
A campaign to prod students into college tries a new tack: Making it simple
December 30, 2023 Washington Post -
The Growing Popularity of eSports
December 13, 2019 GameTime -
How Regulation Threatens Not Just Tech Giants’ Business but Their Popularity Too
April 03, 2019 Morning Consult -
Nike picks a side in America’s culture wars
September 07, 2018 Financial Times -
What happens now that Nike's just done it?
September 06, 2018 Retail Dive -
Nike Campaign Controversy
September 05, 2018 Spectrum News -
The last Blockbuster video in the U.S. has no plans to close
August 14, 2018 Marketplace Report -
What Is A Brand Really Worth?
August 12, 2017 Forbes