Johan Wiklund

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- Phone 315-559-2144
- Department Entrepreneurship and Emerging Enterprises
- Office 535
Walking the talk: Examining intrinsic motivation in prosocial microlending
Journal of Business Venturing, Bort, J., Moss, T. -
Business failure and institutions in entrepreneurship: A systematic review and research agenda
Small Business Economics, Lee, C., Amezcua, A., Abdul-Qadir, E. -
Impulsivity and subjective wellbeing among indigenous entrepreneurs
Moss, T., Yu, W. -
Driven to Succeed? A self-determination perspective on entrepreneurial performance
Journal of Business Venturing, Bort, J., Moss, T.
Navigating Environmental Threats to New Ventures: A Regulatory Fit Approach to Bricolage
2024 Journal of Management Studies, Adomako, S., Zhu, F., Hsu, D., Istipliler, B.
Growing pains in scale-ups: How scaling affects new venture employee burnout and job satisfaction
2024 Journal of Business Venturing,39,2,106367, Genedy, M., Hellerstedt, K., Naldi, L.
The Strategic Advantage of Impulsivity in Entrepreneurial Action: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach
2024 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,48,2,547-580, Bort, J., Crawford, G., Lerner, D., Hunt, R.
Do Hybrid Goals Pay off? Social and Economic Goals in Academic Spin-Offs
The impact of entrepreneurship research on other academic fields
Research on the Association between Physical and Psychiatric Disabilities and Entrepreneurial Intention Among College Students
2022 Revue de l’Entrepreneuriat,Vol. 21,Hors Série 2,191-219, Hoang Tran, M., Luke, M., Antshel, K., Hilts, D.
What does not kill you makes you stronger: Entrepreneurs’ childhood adversity, resilience, and career success
2022 Journal of Business Research,151,40-55, Yu, W., Zhu, F., Foo, M.
Act or Wait-and-See? Adversity, Agility, and Entrepreneur Wellbeing across Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic
2022 ENTREPRENEURSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE, Stephan, U., Zbierowski, P., Perez-Luno, A., Wach, D., Cabanas, M., Barki, E., Benzari, A., Bernhard-Oettel, C., Boekhorst, J., Dash, A., Efendic, A., Eib, C., Hanard, P., Iakovleva, T., Kawakatsu, S., Khalid, S., Leatherbee, M., Li, J., Parker, S., Qu, J., Rosati, F., Sahasranamam, S., Salusse, Marcus A. Y., Sekiguchi, T., Thomas, N., Torres, O., Mi Hoang Tran, Ward, M., Williamson, A., Zahid, M.
ADHD symptoms, entrepreneurial passion, and entrepreneurial performance
2021 Small Business Economics,57,4,1693-1713, Hatak, I., Chang, M., Harms, R.
A holistic approach to the evolution of an entrepreneurial ecosystem: An exploratory study of academic spin-offs
2021 Journal of Business Venturing,36,5,106-143, Seyed Abootorabi, S., Johnson, A., Miller, C.
A comprehensive review of the global development of initial coin offerings (ICOs) and their regulation
2021 Journal of Business Venturing Insights,15,e00213, Bellavitis, C., Fisch, C.
The Polygenic Risk Score of Subjective Well-Being, Self-Employment, and Earnings Among Older Individuals*
2021 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,45,2,440-466, Patel, P., Rietveld, C., Wolfe, M.
Fear not, want not: Untangling the effects of social cost of failure on high-growth entrepreneurship
2021 Small Business Economics,57,1,531-553, Lee, C., Cottle, C., Simmons, S.
ADHD symptoms, entrepreneurial passion, and entrepreneurial performance
2021 SMALL BUSINESS ECONOMICS,57,4,1693-1713, Hatak, I., Chang, M., Harms, R.
Entrepreneurial Team Diversity and Productivity: The Role of Family Relationships in Nascent Ventures
2021 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,45,2,386-417, Ko, E., Pollack, J.
Building upon open-barrel corer and sectioning systems to foster the continuing legacy of John Glew
ADHD Symptoms, Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO), and Firm Performance
2021 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,45,1,92-117, Yu, W., Perez-Luno, A.
Business failure and institutions in entrepreneurship: a systematic review and research agenda
2021 Lee, C., Amezcua, A., Bae, T., Palubinskas, A.
Envisioning Entrepreneurship's Future: Introducing Me-Search and Research Agendas
2021 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,45,5,955-966, Shepherd, D., Dimov, D.
Entrepreneurship in the Future: A Delphi Study of ETP and JBV Editorial Board Members
2021 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,45,5,1239-1275, van Gelderen, Marco, McMullen, J.
A Bayesian mixing model framework for quantifying temporal variation in source of sediment to lakes across broad hydrological gradients of floodplains
Quantification of Spatial and Temporal Trends in Atmospheric Mercury Deposition across Canada over the Past 30 Years
A dynamic model of entrepreneurial opportunity: Integrating Kirzner’s and Mises’s approaches to entrepreneurial action
2020 23,3-4,499-541, McKelvie, A., McMullen, J., Palubinskas, A.
Entrepreneurship, Clinical Psychology, and Mental Health: An Exciting and Promising New Field of Research
2020 Academy of Management Perspectives,34,2,291-295, Hatak, I., Lerner, D., Verheul, I., Thurik, R., Antshel, K.
Entrepreneurial learning under uncertainty: exploring the role of self-efficacy and perceived complexity
2020 Entrepreneurship & Regional Development,1-23, Markowska, M.
Working in Bed-A Commentary on "Automation, Algorithms, and Beyond: Why Work Design Matters More than Ever in a Digital World" by Parker and Grote
2020 Journal of Applied Psychology,
Mental Health in the Family Business: A Conceptual Model and a Research Agenda
2020 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,44,1,55-80, Miller, D., Yu, W.
Radial flow velocity profiles of a yield stress fluid between smooth parallel disks
2020 RHEOLOGICA ACTA,59,4,16,
Simple Rules, Templates, and Heuristics! An Attempt to Deconstruct the Craft of Writing an Entrepreneurship Paper
2020 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,44,3,371-390, Shepherd, D.
Dispositional Positive and Negative Affect and Self-Employment Transitions: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction
2020 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,44,3,451-474, Nikolaev, B., Shir, N.
Moving Ideas from Lab to Marketplace: A Guide to Research
2020 Entrepreneur & Innovation Exchange, Fini, R., Rasmussen, E., Wright, M.
Delineating extent and magnitude of river flooding to lakes across a northern delta using water isotope tracers
Atmospheric trace metal deposition to remote Northwest Ontario, Canada: Anthropogenic fluxes and inventories from 1860 to 2010
Entrepreneurial learning under uncertainty: exploring the role of self-efficacy and perceived complexity
Sources of atmospheric metal(loid) pollution recorded in Thompson Manitoba lake sediment cores within the Canadian boreal biome
Assessment of vanadium and nickel enrichment in Lower Athabasca River floodplain lake sediment within the Athabasca Oil Sands Region (Canada)
Use of pre-industrial baselines to monitor anthropogenic enrichment of metals concentrations in recently deposited sediment of floodplain lakes in the Peace-Athabasca Delta (Alberta, Canada)
How entrepreneurial intentions influence entrepreneurial career choices: The moderating influence of social context
2020 Journal of Business Venturing,35,3, Meoli, A., Fini, R., Sobrero, M.
Fear not, want not: Untangling the effects of social cost of failure on high-growth entrepreneurship
2020 Small Business Economics, Lee, C., Cottle, G., Simmons, S.
ADHD Symptoms, Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO), and Firm Performance
2019 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,104225871989298, Yu, W., Pérez-Luño, A.
Dispositional Positive and Negative Affect and Self-Employment Transitions: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction
2019 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,104225871881835, Nikolaev, B., Shir, N.
Gender gaps and reentry into entrepreneurial ecosystems after business failure
2019 Small Business Economics,53,2,517-531, Simmons, S., Levie, J., Bradley, S., Sunny, S.
Conquering Relevance: Entrepreneurship Research's Grand Challenge
2019 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,43,3,419-436, Wright, M., Zahra, S.
Entrepreneurship and well-being: Past, present, and future
2019 Journal of Business Venturing,34,4,579-588, Nikolaev, B., Shir, N., Foo, M., Bradley, S.
Orchestrating boundaries: The effect of R&D boundary permeability on new venture growth
2019 Journal of Business Venturing,34,1,63-79, Nason, R., McKelvie, A., Hitt, M., Yu, W.
Entrepreneurial impulsivity is not rational judgment
2019 Journal of Business Venturing Insights,
Orchestrating boundaries: The effect of R&D boundary permeability on new venture growth
2019 Journal of Business Venturing,34,1,63-79, Nason, R., McKelvie, A., Hitt, M., Yu, W.
Theories from the Lab: How Research on Science Commercialization can Contribute to Management Studies
2019 Journal of Management Studies,56,5,865-894, Fini, R., Rasmussen, E., Wright, M.
Theories from the Lab: How Research on Science Commercialization can Contribute to Management Studies
2018 Journal of Management Studies, Fini, R., Rasmussen, E., Wright, M.
Impulsivity and Entrepreneurial Action
2018 Academy of Management Perspectives,32,3,379-403, Yu, W., Patzelt, H.
An Assessment of Resource-Based Theorizing on Firm Growth and Suggestions for the Future
2018 Journal of Management,44,1,32-60, Nason, R.
Entrepreneurship and wellbeing: Past, present and future
2018 Journal of Business Venturing, Nikolaev, B., Shir, N., Foo, M., Bradley, S.
What Are We Explaining? A Review and Agenda on Initiating, Engaging, Performing, and Contextualizing Entrepreneurship
2018 Journal of Management,45,1,159-196, Shepherd, D., Wennberg, K., Suddaby, R.
Gender gaps and reentry into entrepreneurial ecosystems after business failure
2018 Small Business Economics, Simmons, S., Bradley, S., Levie, J., Sunny, S.
Externally acquired or internally generated? Knowledge development and perceived environmental dynamism in new venture innovation
2018 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,42,1,24-46, McKelvie, A., Brattstrom, A.
2018 ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES,32,2,182-206, Hatak, I., Patzelt, H., Shepherd, D.
Dispositional positive and negative affect and self-employment transitions: The mediating role of job satisfaction and health
2018 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Shir, N., Nikolaev, B.
2018 ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES,32,1,4-20, Fini, R., Rasmussen, E., Siegel, D.
Mental Disorders in the Entrepreneurship Context: When being different can be an advantage
Location choices of graduate entrepreneurs
2017 Research Policy,46,8,1490-1504, Larsson, J., Wennberg, K., Wright, M.
Impulsivity and entrepreneurial action
ADHD, impulsivity and entrepreneurship
2017 Journal of Business Venturing,32,6,627-656, Yu, W., Tucker, R., Marino, L.
Success, Failure, and Entrepreneurial Reentry: An Experimental Assessment of the Veracity of Self-Efficacy and Prospect Theory
2017 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,41,1,19-47, Hsu, D., Cotton, R.
Success, Failure, and Entrepreneurial Reentry: An Experimental Assessment of the Veracity of Self?Efficacy and Prospect Theory
2017 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,41,1,19-47, Hsu, D., Cotton, R.
The Effects of CEO Founder Status and Stock Ownership on Entrepreneurial Orientation in Small Firms
2017 Journal of Small Business Management,55,1,32-55, Deb, P.
Entrepreneurial exit intentions and the business-family interface
2016 Journal of Business Venturing,31,6,613-627, Hsu, D., Anderson, S., Coffey, B.
The Effects of CEO Founder Status and Stock Ownership on Entrepreneurial Orientation in Small Firms
2016 Journal of Small Business Management,55,1,32-55, Deb, P.
An Analysis of Business Models: Firm characteristics, innovation and performance
2016 22,1,1-12, Brannon, D.
Entrepreneurial Exit Intentions and the Business-Family Interface
2016 Journal of Business Venturing,31,6,613-627, Hsu, D., Anderson, S., Coffey, B.
Entrepreneurial Exit Intentions and the Business-Family InterfaceEntrepreneurial Exit Intentions and the Business-Family Interface
2016 Journal of Business Venturing Insights,6,14-20, Patzelt, H., Dimov, D.
ADHD "Symptoms" Are Advantages for the Entrepreneur
2015 Psychology Today, Archer, D.
What about new entry? Examining the theorized role of new entry in the entrepreneurial orientation–performance relationship
2015 International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship,33,4,351-373, Wales, W., McKelvie, A.
Inside the black box of outcome additionality: Effects of early-stage government subsidies on resource accumulation and new venture performance
2015 Research Policy,
Individual responses to firm failure: Appraisals, grief, and the influence of prior failure experience
2014 Journal of Business Venturing,29,1,17-33, Jenkins, A., Brundin, E.
The emergence of evidence–based entrepreneurship.
2014 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Frese, M., Rousseau, D.
Stigma and business failure: implications for entrepreneurs' career choices
2014 Small Business Economics,42,3,485-505, Simmons, S., Levie, J.
Internal versus External Ownership Transition in Family Firms: An Embeddedness Perspective
2013 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,37,6,1319-1340, Nordqvist, M., Hellerstedt, K., Bird, M.
Organizational Sponsorship and Founding Environments: A Contingency View on the Survival of Business Incubated Firms, 1994-2007
2013 Academy of Management Journal,56,6,1628-1654, Amezcua, A., Grimes, M., Bradley, S.
Stigma and business failure: Implications for entrepreneurs’ career choices
2013 Small Business Economics,1-21, Simmons, S., Levie, J.
The Varying Effects of Family Relationships in Entrepreneurial Teams
2013 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, Haynie, M., Brannon, D.
Measuring the market newness of new ventures
2012 Journal of Business Venturing,27,2,185-196, Dahlqvist, J.
Exploring the Heart: Entrepreneurial emotion is a hot topic
2012 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice,36,1,1-10, Cardon, M., Foo, M., Shepherd, D.
Resources, environmental change, and survival: Asymmetric paths of young independent and subsidiary organizations
2011 Strategic Management Journal,32,5,486-509, Bradley, S., Aldrich, H., Shepherd, D.
The importance of slack for new organizations facing 'tough' environments
2011 Journal of Management Studies,48,5,1071-1097, Bradley, S., Shepherd, D.
The effectiveness of university knowledge spillovers: Performance differences between university spinoffs and corporate spinoffs
2011 Research Policy,40,8,1128-1143, Wennberg, K., Wright, M.
The dual nature of innovative activity: How entrepreneurial orientation influences innovation generation and adoption
2011 Journal of Business Venturing,26,5,555-571, Pérez-Luño, A., Cabrera, R.
Implications of intra-family and external ownership transfer of family firms: Short-term and long-term performance differences
2011 Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,5,4,352-372, Wennberg, K., Hellerstedt, K., Nordqvist, M.
Swinging a double-edged sword: The effect of slack on entrepreneurial management and growth
2011 Journal of Business Venturing,26,5,537-554, Bradley, S., Shepherd, D.
Organic and Acquisitive Growth: Re-examining, Testing and Extending Penrose's Growth Theory
2011 Journal of Management Studies,48,1,48-74, Lockett, A., Davidsson, P., Girma, S.
Where to from here? EO-as-experimentation, failure, and distribution of outcomes
2011 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice,35,5,925-946, Shepherd, D.
The Future of Entrepreneurship Research
2011 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice,35,1,1-9, Davidsson, P., Audretsch, D., Karlsson, C.
Advancing Firm Growth Research: A Focus on Growth Mode Instead of GrowthRate
2010 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,34,2,261-288, McKelvie, A.
The age-effect of financial indicators as buffers against the liability of newness
2010 Journal of Business Venturing,25,4,423-437, Baker, T., Shepherd, D.
Reconceptualizing entrepreneurial exit: Divergent exit routes and their drivers
2010 Journal of Business Venturing,25,4,361-375, Wennberg, K., DeTienne, D., Cardon, M.
From Creativity to Product Launch: The Role of knowledge in the Innovation and Imitation Processes
2009 Cuadernos de Economía y Dirección de la Empresa,38,95-118, Perez-Luno Robledo, A., Cabrera, R.
Scott A. shane: Winner of the global award for entrepreneurship research
2009 Small Business Economics,33,2,131-140, Davidsson, P.
Entrepreneurial orientation and business performance: An assessment of past research and suggestions for the future
2009 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice,33,3,761-787, Rauch, A., Lumpkin, G., Frese, M.
The effectiveness of alliances and acquisitions: The role of resource combination activities
2009 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice,33,1,193-212, Shepherd, D.
Moving forward: Balancing the financial and emotional costs of business failure
2009 Journal of Business Venturing,24,2,134-148, Shepherd, D., Haynie, J.
Building an integrative model of small business growth
2009 Small Business Economics,32,4,351-374, Patzelt, H., Shepherd, D.
Are we comparing apples wiith apples or apples with oranges? Appropriateness of knowledge accumulation across growth studies
2009 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice,33,1,105-123, Shepherd, D.
Portfolio entrepreneurship: Habitual and novice founders, new entry, and mode of organizing
2008 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice,32,4,701-725, Shepherd, D.
The role of human capital in loan officers' decision policies
2008 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice,32,3,485-506, Bruns, V., Holland, D., Shepherd, D.
The effect of small business managers' growth motivation on firm growth: A longitudinal study
2008 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice,32,3,437-457, Delmar, F.
Risk, proactivity and uncertainties as determinants of the decision to imitate or to innovate
2007 International Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning,3,4,343-354, Pérez-Luño, A., Valle-Cabrera, R.
Entrepreneurial orientation, risk taking, and performance in family firms
2007 Family Business Review,20,1,33-47, Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Sjöberg, K.
Corporate governance and strategic change in SMEs: The effects of ownership, board composition and top management teams
2007 Small Business Economics,29,3,295-308, Brunninge, O., Nordqvist, M.
Commentary: "Family firms and social responsibility: Preliminary evidence from the S & P 500"
2006 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice,30,6,803-808,
Dynamics of External Growth in SMEs: A Process Model of Acquisition Capabilities Emergence
2006 Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth,9,229-266, Salvato, C., Lassini, U., Wiklund, J., Dimov, D., Katz, J., Shepherd, D.
Europe and Entrepreneurship Research
2006 Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth,9,1-8, Dimov, D., Katz, J., Shepherd, D., Wiklund, J., Dimov, D., Katz, J., Shepherd, D.
Antecedents, moderators, and performance consequences of membership change in new venture teams
2005 Journal of Business Venturing,20,5,705-725, Chandler, G., Honig, B.
Ownership and the internationalization of small firms
2005 Journal of Management,31,2,210-233, George, G., Zahra, S.
Entrepreneurial orientation and small business performance: A configurational approach
2005 Journal of Business Venturing,20,1,71-91, Shepherd, D.
Aspiring for, and Achieving Growth: The Moderating Role of Resources and Opportunities
2003 Journal of Management Studies,40,8,1919-1941, Shepherd, D.
Levels of Analysis in Entrepreneurship Research: Current Research Practice and Suggestions for the Future
2001 Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice,25,4,81-100, Davidsson, P.
An operationalization of Stevenson's conceptualization of entrepreneurship as opportunity-based firm behavior
2001 Strategic Management Journal,22,10,953-968, Brown, T., Davidsson, P.
Values, beliefs and regional variations in new firm formation rates
1997 Journal of Economic Psychology,18,2-3,179-199, Davidsson, P.
An Analysis of Business Models: Firm characteristics, innovation and performance
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, Brannon, D.
Entrepreneurship as an auspicious context for mental health research
Journal of Business Venturing Insights, Gish, J., Lerner, D., McKelvie, A., van Witteloostuijn, A., Wolfe, M.
An assessment of resource-based theorizing on firm growth and suggestions for the future
Journal of Management, Nason, R.
Dec 01, 2021
Best Paper Award
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development -
Feb 01, 2020
Visiting Professor
Denmark University of Technology -
Jan 01, 2020
Received - SAGE’s 10-Year Impact Award
SAGE Journal -
May 01, 2019
Whitman School Senior Scholar Award
Syracuse University -
Mar 01, 2019
Lazaridis Chair
Wilfrid Laurier University -
Jan 15, 2018
Fulbright Distinguished Professorship
The Fulbright Commission and RMIT University -
Aug 12, 2015
2015 Greif Research Impact Award
Academy of Management Entrepreneurship Division -
Jan 01, 2011
Mentor Award
Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division -
Jan 01, 2010
IDEA Research Promise Award
Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division -
Jan 01, 2010
Mentor Award
Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division -
Jan 01, 2010
Best Empirical Paper Award
Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division -
Jan 01, 2008
Best Empirical Paper Award
Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division -
Jan 01, 2008
Best Reviewer Award
Journal of Management Studies -
Jan 01, 2008
IDEA Research Promise Award
Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division -
Jan 01, 2006
The Creativity Award
Swedish Foundation for Small Business Research -
Jan 01, 2003
Best Empirical Paper Award
Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division -
Jan 01, 2001
Fast Company’s Best High Growth/High Potential Paper Award
Academy of Management -
Jan 01, 1999
Fast Company’s Best High Growth/High Potential Paper Award
Academy of Management -
Jan 01, 1998
Paper of Distinction Award
Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference -
Jan 01, 1998
NFIB Best Dissertation Award
Academy of Management, Entrepreneurship Division -
Jan 01, 1997
Best Overall Paper Award
Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference -
Received - Named the 3rd most published Entrepreneurship and Family Business scholar in the world
Journal of Family Business Strategy -
Received - Listed among the top 100 Best Business and Management Scientists -
Received - Named among the top 2% most impactful researchers globally across all sciences
PLoS biology
Hvernig náum við að bæta líðan barna í skóla?
December 14, 2022 -
IRI DEI Thought Leader Interview – ADHD and Entrepreneurship with Professor Johan Wiklund, Syracuse University
December 09, 2022 Innovation Research Interchange -
Slik gjorde de adhd-diagnosen til en fordel
February 11, 2022 Dagens Neringsliv -
Does Having ADHD Help or Hurt Entrepreneurs?
November 03, 2021 The Wall Street Journal -
Have ADHD? This may be the career path for you
October 12, 2021 Yahoo FInance -
Succeeding with ADHD
January 04, 2021 Harvard Business Review - The Anxious Achiever Podcast -
ADHD + Entrepreneurship with Professor Johan Wiklund of Syracuse University’s Whitman School of Management
October 20, 2020 Solvecast -
Meaningful and Enjoyable Work | Panel discussion: Johan Wiklund, Erik Nook, Katherine McMahon
July 24, 2020 The Happiness Institute -
“No One Talks About the Positives of ADHD — So I Found Some”
July 01, 2020 ADDitude -
Jack DeBrabander Explains How He Leverages His ADHD to Achieve the Impossible
March 10, 2020 -
Mental Health "Obstacles" or Entrepreneurial Superpowers? with Johan Wiklund
February 06, 2020 Overcoming the Mind -
Entrepreneurship and mental health
December 05, 2019 Overcoming the mind -
Action Over Deliberation
June 26, 2019 Faster Than Normal -
What if incubators and accelerators are doing more harm than good to startups and scaleups?
February 22, 2019 B2B News Network -
February 21, 2019 Communitech News -
Folk med ADHD gode på nyskaping
January 29, 2018 Nord Universtitet -
Nord-forsker i ny studie: Folk med ADHD er glimrende gründere
January 29, 2018 Lokalavis i Bodø -
Folk med ADHD er ofte gode på nyskaping
January 28, 2018 -
Action over deliberation
January 01, 2018 Faster than Normal -
FTN 80: "Action Over Deliberation" with Syracuse University Professor of Entrepreneurship Johan Wiklund
January 01, 2018 Peter Shankman's Faster than Normal -
“No One Talks About the Positives of ADHD — So I Found Some”
November 13, 2017 ADDitude -
Expert says economic leaders may be too focused on college grads
October 09, 2017 Newschannel 9 -
The 5 Best Jobs for People With ADD and ADHD
September 26, 2017 True Viral News Network -
The 5 Best Jobs for People With ADD and ADHD
September 11, 2017 TIME -
Study looks into where aspiring entrepreneurs go after graduation
August 22, 2017 Spectrum News -
This Scientist is Studying How ADHD Helps Drive Some Entrepreneurs
June 29, 2017 Fast Company -
People with ADHD can turn symptoms to their advantage as entrepreneurs
May 31, 2017 Talk Business