Michel Benaroch

Associate Dean for Research and Ph.D. Programs, Professor of Management Information Systems
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Professor Benaroch is Associate Dean for Research and Ph.D. Programs and Professor of MIS at the Whitman School of Management. Professor Benaroch's primary research addresses issues concerning the economics of cybersecurity, IT investments, and IT investment risk. He is also interested in ontology-centered knowledge representation and artificial intelligence applications in finance and business. He has published extensively in information systems and computer science journals, including MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of MIS, IEEE Transaction on Software Engineering, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, and International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. He was ranked #26 (out of top-100 researchers worldwide) who published in top Information Systems journals (MISQ, ISR, JMIS, and JAIS) during 1999-2011.

While at Whitman, Professor Benaroch has taught courses on business analytics, customer relationship management analytics, management of information technology (IT), IT and Electronic Commerce, decision-support and data mining technologies, and database management. He has also taught at the Israeli Institute of Technology (Technion), New York University, and the University of Rochester.
Ph.D., Information Systems, New York University