Guiyang Xiong

Associate Professor of Marketing
  • Email Contact Me
  • Phone 315-443-3166
  • Department Marketing
  • Office 636
Dr. Xiong is an Associate Professor of Marketing. He conducts empirical research on marketing strategy topics such as digital marketing and the marketing-finance interface, using advanced econometric, statistical, and machine learning methods. Dr. Xiong's research papers in these areas are published in premier journals including Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, and Marketing Science. He currently serves as an Associate Editor for Service Science and on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Marketing.
Ph.D., Business / Marketing, Emory University
Dr. Xiong teaches a variety of courses related to marketing strategy, product and service innovations, global marketing, marketing research and analytics at undergraduate, master’s, and PhD levels.

Examples of courses taught at Whitman:
MAR255 Principles of Marketing
MAR356 Marketing Research
MAR456 Global Marketing
MAR653 Marketing Analytics
MAR960 Empirical Modeling
advertising, digital marketing, new product management, financial impact of marketing


  • Jul 01, 2022

    Received - Whitman Research Fellow

    Syracuse University
  • Sep 01, 2019

    Edward Pettinella Professorship in Business

    Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University
  • Feb 18, 2017

    The Best Paper in Conference

    American Marketing Association Winter Academic Conference
  • May 01, 2015

    Terry-Sanford Award

    Terry College of Business, University of Georgia
  • Feb 01, 2009

    ISBM Doctoral Dissertation Proposal Award

    Institute for the Study of Business Markets
  • Why the Common Wisdom About Native Advertising Is Wrong

    April 03, 2019