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Please select a payment method below to register for the Six Sigma Green Belt or Black Belt Certificate exam. Once your payment is received, it is non-refundable. Please allow seven business days from the date your payment is received for processing. Within seven business days, you will receive an email with login instructions for the exam. If you have any questions, please email
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Register and pay by check: please use Google Chrome to access this link
For more information, call 1-315-443-3428 or contact Patrick Penfield, director of executive education.
About the Certification Exam
Who is this certification for?
This certification is for Six Sigma professionals who are looking to verify their expertise in Six Sigma. Certifications are a great way to invest in your career, showing employers that a third-party expert has validated your subject matter knowledge.
What are the requirements?
The requirements for this certification are completing a Six Sigma prep class or a 40-hour Six Sigma course from an accredited university/college or approved training center, completing a Green Belt or Black Belt project or simulation, and passing a 100-question open-book online exam (which you can take at your convenience).
What does the exam entail?
The exam will test your knowledge of Six Sigma. Some topics covered on the exam are the DMAIC process, cost of quality and financial management, value stream mapping, samples and populations, capability analysis, correlation and regression, analysis of variance, full factorial DoE and data transformation.
What do you get by taking this exam?
Upon completion of the application and passing the exam, you will receive a Six Sigma certificate and become certified in Six Sigma (Green Belt or Black Belt) through Syracuse University.
How much does this exam cost?
Three-hundred-and-fifty dollars is due upon applying for the certification. You can pay by credit card or check.