Great Northern Savings Bank: A Case on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Disclosure and Liquidity Management: Evidence from Regulation Fair Disclosure
Research Initiatives in Accounting Education: Managing Academic Programs
The Role of Gender in the Aggressive Questioning of CEOs during Earnings Conference Calls
The Role of Gender in the Aggressive Questioning of CEOs During Earnings Conference Calls
Complaint Publicization in Social Media
Does Software Process Improvement Reduce the Severity of Defects? A Longitudinal Field Study
Impact of Budget and Schedule Pressure on Software Development Cycle Time and Effort
Quality Improvement and Infrastructure Activity Costs in Software Development: A Longitudinal Analysis
Identifying overvalued equity
Managers’ Investment Decisions: Incentives and Economic Consequences Arising from Leases
Pricing and mispricing of Accounting Fundamentals in the Time-Series and in the Cross Section
The Effect of External Monitoring on Conservative Financial Reporting in the Property-Casualty Insurance Industry
Under Pressure: Investment Behavior of Insurers under Different Financial and Regulatory Conditions
Operational Risk Management and Regulatory Investment Constraints on Portfolio Allocation: Evidence from Property and Casualty Insurers
When Sales Spill Over to Unprofitable Customers
When Sales Spill Over to Unprofitable Customers
Targeting and Salesforce Compensation: When sales spillover to unprofitable customers
Women in academic publishing: Descriptive trends from authors to editors across 33 years of management science
How much do the global top 500 business enterprises respect human rights? Current stage of corporate human rights disclosure
The role of gender in the aggressive questioning of CEOs during earnings conference calls
Challenges to Adopting and Sustaining Microservice-based Software Development
Examining End Users’ Ability to Select Business Services: A Conceptual Framework and an Empirical Study
Defect propagation at the project-level: results and a post-hoc analysis on inspection efficiency