Negative Central Bank Rates and Venture Capital Markets
Do old theories fit new contexts? New perspectives on corporate governance in entrepreneurial firms
Value Creation and Resource Visibility in the Market for Video Games
Rural and urban place renewal in cross-sector partnerships
Family Founding Teams, Internal and External Collaboration, and New Venture Growth
Single cases: The what, why, and how
The Effect of Regime Change on Entrepreneurship: A Real Options Approach with Evidence from US Gubernatorial Elections
The Nature and Origins of Social Venture Mission: An Exploratory Study of Political Ideology and Moral Foundations
A Cloud's Silver Lining? The Impact of Policy Interventions on New and Maturing Technology Ventures' Online Recruitment
Customer Engagement Patterns and New Venture Outcomes
Entrepreneurial responsibility: A conceptual framework to understand ethical dualism throughout the entrepreneurial process
Health resourcefulness behaviors: Implications of work-health resource trade-offs for the self-employed
Resilience within constraints: An event-oriented approach to crisis response.
On the importance of “thresholds” in strategic management research
Trust based banking and SME’s access to credit
If The Body Keeps The Score, What Happens When You Bring The Body To Work? Exploring the Effects of Trauma On Human Capital
Emancipation Through Entrepreneurship: A Structuration Perspective
Entrepreneurship and Democracy: A complex relationship
The Nature and Origins of Social Venture Mission: An Exploratory Study of Political Ideology and Moral Foundations
A Cloud’s Silver Lining? The Impact of Policy Interventions on New and Maturing Technology Ventures’ Online Recruitment
Political Ideology of the Board and CEO Dismissal Following Financial Misconduct
The Strategic Advantage of Impulsivity in Entrepreneurial Action: An Agent-Based Modeling Approach
The impact of entrepreneurship research on other academic fields
Do Hybrid Goals Pay off? Social and Economic Goals in Academic Spin-Offs